What are the basic Shopify Setup Checklist for your e-Commerce Store?

It’s convenient to get the Shopify eCommerce website ready to go. However, we agree that knowing that you already have so many things to do is a little daunting. When you’re in a rush, launching an eCommerce website can get a little messy. You must be planning for the earliest possible exit in order to maximize openings and ensure the sustainability of your upcoming website or online shop. The first goal of any new business owner opening his first online shop is to achieve excellence. But things aren’t as easy as they seem at first, and you’ll run into a slew of glitches and problems that you’ll need to iron out until launching your website. Taking all of this into account, we attempted to compile a rundown of the Shopify configuration checklist, which you must complete before launching your Shopify website. Here’s the rundown. Checklist to Setup Shopify Website Manage What Your Customers See First “The first impression is the final impression,” as the saying goes. The adage is perfect...